Source code for fedsim.distributed.data_management.data_manager

Data Manager

import os
import pickle
import random
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple

# import libraries with random generator to set seed
import numpy as np
from import Dataset

from .utils import Subset

[docs]class DataManager(object): r"""DataManager base class. Any other Data Manager is inherited from this class. There are four abstract class methods that child classes should implement: get_identifiers, make_datasets, make_transforms, partition_local_data. .. warning:: when inheritted, super should be called at the end of the constructor because the abstract classes are called in super's constructor! Args: root (str): root dir of the dataset to partition seed (int): random seed of partitioning save_dir (str, optional): path to save partitioned indices. """ def __init__( self, root, seed, save_dir=None, ): self.root = root self.seed = seed self.save_dir = root if save_dir is None else save_dir # ********************************************************************* # define class vars # {'<split_name>': <dataset_obj>} self.local_data: Optional[Dict[str, Dataset]] = None self.global_data: Optional[Dict[str, Dataset]] = None self.global_transforms = None self.local_transforms = None # {'<split_name>': [<client index>:[<sample_index>,],]} self._local_parition_indices: Optional[Dict[Iterable[Iterable[int]]]] = None np_state = np.random.get_state() rd_state = random.getstate() # set random seed for partitioning if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) # prepare stuff self._make_transforms() self._make_datasets() self._partition_local_data() self._partition_global_data() np.random.set_state(np_state) random.setstate(rd_state) def _make_transforms(self) -> None: ( self.local_transforms, self.global_transforms, ) = self.make_transforms() def _make_datasets(self) -> None: self.local_data, self.global_data = self.make_datasets( self.root, ) def _partition_local_data(self) -> None: if self.local_data is None: raise Exception( "call a make_datasets that returns a dict of datasets first!" ) name = self.get_partitioning_name() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_local.pkl")): with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_local.pkl"), "rb") as rfile: self._local_parition_indices = pickle.load(rfile) else: self._local_parition_indices = self.partition_local_data(self.local_data) # save on disk for later usage # create directories if not existing os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.save_dir), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_local.pkl"), "wb") as wfile: pickle.dump(self._local_parition_indices, wfile) def _partition_global_data(self) -> None: if self.global_data is not None: name = self.get_partitioning_name() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_global.pkl")): with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_global.pkl"), "rb") as rfile: self._global_parition_indices = pickle.load(rfile) else: self._global_parition_indices = self.partition_global_data(self.global_data) # save on disk for later usage # create directories if not existing os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.save_dir), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name + "_global.pkl"), "wb") as wfile: pickle.dump(self._global_parition_indices, wfile) # ************************************************************************* # to be called by user
[docs] def get_local_dataset(self, id: int) -> Dict[str, Dataset]: """returns the local dataset corresponding to a given partition id Args: id (int): partition id Returns: Dict[str, Dataset]: a mapping of split_name: dataset """ ans = dict() for key, val in self._local_parition_indices.items(): if len(val) > 0: ans[key] = Subset( self.local_data, val[id], transform=self.local_transforms[key], ) return ans
[docs] def get_group_dataset(self, ids: Iterable[int]) -> Dict[str, Dataset]: """returns the local dataset corresponding to a group of given partition ids Args: ids (Iterable[int]): a list or tuple of partition ids Returns: Dict[str, Dataset]: a mapping of split_name: dataset """ ans = dict() for key, val in self._local_parition_indices.items(): group_split_idxs = [i for id in ids for i in val[id]] if len(group_split_idxs) > 0: ans[key] = Subset( self.local_data, group_split_idxs, transform=self.local_transforms[key], ) return ans
[docs] def get_oracle_dataset(self) -> Dict[str, Dataset]: """returns all of the local datasets stacked up. Returns: Dict[str, Dataset]: Oracle dataset for each split """ return self.get_group_dataset( ids=range(len(self._local_parition_indices["train"])) )
[docs] def get_global_dataset(self) -> Dict[str, Dataset]: """returns the global dataset Returns: Dict[str, Dataset]: global dataset for each split """ ans = dict() for key, val in self._global_parition_indices.items(): if len(val) > 0: ans[key] = Subset( self.local_data, val, transform=self.global_transforms[key], ) return ans
[docs] def get_partitioning_name(self) -> str: """returns unique name of the DataManager instance. .. note:: This method can help store and retrieval of the partitioning indices, so the experiments could reproduced on a machine. Returns: str: a unique name for the DataManager instance. """ identifiers = self.get_identifiers() name = "_".join(identifiers) if self.seed is not None: name += "_seed{}".format(self.seed) return name
[docs] def get_local_splits_names(self): """returns name of the local splits (train, test, etc.) Returns: List[str]: list of local split names """ return list(self._local_parition_indices.keys())
[docs] def get_global_splits_names(self): """returns name of the global splits (train, test, etc.) Returns: List[str]: list of global split names """ return list(self._global_parition_indices.keys())
# ************************************************************************* # to implement by child
[docs] def make_datasets(self, root: str) -> Tuple[object, object]: """makes and returns local and global dataset objects. The created datasets do not need a transform as recompiled datasets with separately provided transforms on the fly. Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset. root (str): directory to download and manipulate data. Raises: NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: Tuple[object, object]: local and global dataset """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def make_transforms(self) -> Tuple[object, object]: """make and return the dataset trasformations for local and global split. Raises: NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, Callable], Dict[str, Callable]]: tuple of two dictionaries, first, the local transform mapping and second the global transform mapping. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def partition_local_data( self, dataset: object, ) -> Dict[str, Iterable[Iterable[int]]]: """partitions local data indices into client-indexed Iterable. Args: dataset (object): local dataset Raises: NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: Dict[str, Iterable[Iterable[int]]]: dictionary of {split:client-indexed iterables of example indices}. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def partition_global_data( self, dataset: object, ) -> Dict[str, Iterable[int]]: """partitions global data indices into splits (e.g., train, test, ...). Args: dataset (object): global dataset Returns: Dict[str, Iterable[int]]: dictionary of {split:example indices of global dataset}. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_identifiers(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Returns identifiers to be used for saving the partition info. Raises: NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: Sequence[str]: a sequence of str identifing class instance """ raise NotImplementedError