Source code for fedsim.scores

Fedsim Scores
import torch

Tensor = torch.Tensor

[docs]class Score(object): r"""Score base class. .. automethod:: __call__ Args: log_freq (int, optional): how many steps gap between two evaluations. Defaults to 1. split (str, optional): data split to evaluate on . Defaults to 'test'. score_name (str): name of the score object reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'micro'`` | ``'macro'``. ``'micro'``: as if mini-batches are concatenated. ``'macro'``: mean of score of each mini-batch (update). Default: ``'micro'`` """ def __init__( self, log_freq: int = 1, split="test", score_name="", reduction="micro", ) -> None: if log_freq < 1: raise Exception(f"invalid log_freq ({log_freq}) given to {score_name}") self.log_freq = log_freq self.split = split self.score_name = score_name self.reduction = reduction
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: r"""gives the name of the score Returns: str: score name """ return self.score_name
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target): r"""updates the score based on a mini-batch of input and target Args: input (Tensor) : Predicted unnormalized scores (often referred to as\ logits); see Shape section below for supported shapes. target (Tensor) : Ground truth class indices or class probabilities; see Shape section below for supported shapes. Raises: NotImplementedError: This abstract method should be implemented by child classes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_score(self) -> float: r"""returns the score Raises: NotImplementedError: This abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: float: the score """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """resets the internal buffers, makes it ready to start collecting Raises: NotImplementedError: This abstract method should be implemented by child classes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_differentiable(self) -> bool: """to check if the score is differentiable (to for ex. use as loss function). Raises: NotImplementedError: This abstract method should be implemented by child classes Returns: bool: True if the output of the call is differentiable. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Accuracy(Score): r"""updatable accuracy score .. automethod:: __call__ Args: log_freq (int, optional): how many steps gap between two evaluations. Defaults to 1. split (str, optional): data split to evaluate on . Defaults to 'test'. score_name (str): name of the score object reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'micro'`` | ``'macro'``. ``'micro'``: as if mini-batches are concatenated. ``'macro'``: mean of accuracy of each mini-batch (update). Default: ``'micro'`` """ def __init__( self, log_freq: int = 1, split="test", score_name="accuracy", reduction: str = "micro", ) -> None: super().__init__(log_freq, split, score_name, reduction) self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target) -> Tensor: r"""updates the accuracy score on a mini-batch detached from the computational graph. It also returns the current batch score without detaching from the graph. Args: input (Tensor) : Predicted unnormalized scores (often referred to as\ logits); see Shape section below for supported shapes. target (Tensor) : Ground truth class indices or class probabilities; see Shape section below for supported shapes. Shape: - Input: Shape :math:`(N, C)`. - Target: shape :math:`(N)` where each value should be between :math:`[0, C)`. where: .. math:: \begin{aligned} C ={} & \text{number of classes} \\ N ={} & \text{batch size} \\ \end{aligned} Returns: Tensor: accuracy score of current batch """ if not (target.shape[0] == input.shape[0]): raise Exception( f"size mismatch between input {input.shape[0]} and\ {target.shape[0]}" ) cur_sum = (input.argmax(dim=1) == target).sum() if self.reduction == "micro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() self._weight += input.shape[0] elif self.reduction == "macro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() / input.shape[0] self._weight += 1 return cur_sum / input.shape[0]
[docs] def get_score(self) -> float: if self._weight < 1: return 0 return self._sum / self._weight
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def is_differentiable(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]class CrossEntropyScore(Score): r"""updatable cross entropy score .. automethod:: __call__ Args: log_freq (int, optional): how many steps gap between two evaluations. Defaults to 1. split (str, optional): data split to evaluate on . Defaults to 'test'. score_name (str): name of the score object reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'micro'`` | ``'macro'``. ``'micro'``: as if mini-batches are concatenated. ``'macro'``: mean of cross entropy of each mini-batch (update). Default: ``'micro'`` """ def __init__( self, log_freq: int = 1, split="test", score_name="cross_entropy_score", weight=None, reduction: str = "micro", label_smoothing: float = 0.0, ) -> None: super().__init__(log_freq, split, score_name, reduction) self._base_class = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss( weight=weight, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, reduction="sum" ) self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target) -> Tensor: r"""updates the cross entropy score on a mini-batch detached from the computational graph. It also returns the current batch score without detaching from the graph. Args: input (Tensor) : Predicted unnormalized scores (often referred to as\ logits); see Shape section below for supported shapes. target (Tensor) : Ground truth class indices or class probabilities; see Shape section below for supported shapes. Shape: - Input: shape :math:`(C)`, :math:`(N, C)`. - Target: shape :math:`()`, :math:`(N)` where each value should be between :math:`[0, C)`. where: .. math:: \begin{aligned} C ={} & \text{number of classes} \\ N ={} & \text{batch size} \\ \end{aligned} Returns: Tensor: cross entropy score of current batch """ if not (target.shape[0] == input.shape[0]): raise Exception( f"size mismatch between input {input.shape[0]} and" f"{target.shape[0]}" ) cur_sum = self._base_class(input, target) if self.reduction == "micro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() self._weight += input.shape[0] elif self.reduction == "macro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() / input.shape[0] self._weight += 1 return cur_sum / input.shape[0]
[docs] def get_score(self) -> float: if self._weight < 1: return 0 return self._sum / self._weight
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def is_differentiable(self) -> bool: return True
[docs]class KLDivScore(Score): r"""updatable pointwise KL-divergence score .. automethod:: __call__ Args: log_freq (int, optional): how many steps gap between two evaluations. Defaults to 1. split (str, optional): data split to evaluate on . Defaults to 'test'. score_name (str): name of the score object reduction (str): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'micro'`` | ``'macro'``. ``'micro'``: as if mini-batches are concatenated. ``'macro'``: mean of cross entropy of each mini-batch (update). Default: ``'micro'`` """ def __init__( self, log_freq: int = 1, split="test", score_name="kl_dic_score", reduction: str = "micro", log_target=False, ) -> None: super().__init__(log_freq, split, score_name, reduction) self._base_class = torch.nn.KLDivLoss(log_target=log_target, reduction="sum") self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target) -> Tensor: r"""updates the KL-divergence score on a mini-batch detached from the computational graph. It also returns the current batch score without detaching from the graph. Args: input (Tensor) : Predicted unnormalized scores (often referred to as\ logits); see Shape section below for supported shapes. target (Tensor) : Ground truth class indices or class probabilities; see Shape section below for supported shapes. Shape: - Input: :math:`(*)`, where :math:`*` means any number of dimensions. - Target: :math:`(*)`, same shape as the input. - Output: scalar by default. If :attr:`reduction` is `'none'`, then :math:`(*)`, same shape as the input. Returns: Tensor: KL-divergence score of current batch """ if not (target.shape[0] == input.shape[0]): raise Exception( f"size mismatch between input {input.shape[0]} and" f"{target.shape[0]}" ) cur_sum = self._base_class(input, target) if self.reduction == "micro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() self._weight += input.shape[0] elif self.reduction == "macro": self._sum += cur_sum.item() / input.shape[0] self._weight += 1 return cur_sum / input.shape[0]
[docs] def get_score(self) -> float: if self._weight < 1: return 0 return self._sum / self._weight
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self._sum = 0 self._weight = 0
[docs] def is_differentiable(self) -> bool: return True