Source code for fedsim.utils.aggregators

from collections import deque
from typing import Dict

from .dict_ops import apply_on_dict

[docs]class SerialAggregator(object): """Serially aggregats arbitrary number of weighted or unweigted variables.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._members = dict() def _get_pair(self, value, weight): if weight is None: return value, None else: return value * weight, weight
[docs] def add(self, key, value, weight=None): """adds a new item to the aggregation Args: key (Hashable): key of the entry value (Any): current value of the entry. Type of this value must support addition. Support for division is required if the aggregation is weighted. weight (float, optional): weight of the current entry. If not specified, aggregation becomes unweighted (equal to accumulation). Defaults to None. """ new_v, new_w = self._get_pair(value, weight) sum_v, cur_w = self._members.get(key, (0, 0)) if (sum_v is None) or (new_v is None): self._members[key] = (sum_v + new_v, None) else: self._members[key] = (sum_v + new_v, cur_w + new_w)
[docs] def get(self, key): """Fetches the current result of the aggregation. If the aggregation is weighted the returned value is weighted average of the entry values. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. Raises: Exception: key does not exist in the aggregator. Returns: Any: result of the aggregation. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") v, w = self._members[key] if w is None or w == 0: return v return v / w
[docs] def get_sum(self, key): """Fetches the weighted sum (no division). Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. Raises: Exception: key does not exist in the aggregator. Returns: Any: result of the weighted sum of the entries. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") v, _ = self._members[key] return v
[docs] def get_weight(self, key): """Fetches the sum of weights of the weighted averaging. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. Raises: Exception: key does not exist in the aggregator. Returns: Any: sum of weights of the aggregation. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") _, w = self._members[key] return w
[docs] def keys(self): """fetches the keys of entries aggregated so far. Returns: Iterable: all aggregation keys. """ return self._members.keys()
[docs] def pop(self, key): """Similar to ``get`` method except that the entry is removed from the aggregator at the end. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. Raises: Exception: key does not exist in the aggregator. Returns: Any: result of the aggregation. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") v, w = self._members.pop(key) if w is None or w == 0: return v return v / w
[docs] def items(self): """Generator of (key, result) to get aggregation result of all keys in the aggregator. Yields: Tuple[Hashable, Any]: pair of key, aggregation result. """ for key in self._members.keys(): yield key, self.get(key)
[docs] def pop_all(self): """Collects all the aggregation results in a dictionary and removes everything from the aggregator at the end. Returns: Dict[Hashable, Any]: mapping of key to aggregation result. """ return {key: self.pop(key) for key in list(self._members.keys())}
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._members
[docs]class AppendixAggregator(object): """This aggregator hold the results in a deque and performs the aggregation at the time querying the results instead. Compared to SerialAggregator provides the flexibility of aggregating within a certain number of past entries. Args: max_deque_lenght (int, optional): maximum lenght of deque to hold the aggregation entries. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, max_deque_lenght=None) -> None: self._members = dict() self.max_deque_lenght = max_deque_lenght
[docs] def append(self, key, value, weight=1, step=0): """Appends a new weighted entry timestamped by step. Args: key (Hashable): key to the aggregation entry. value (Any): value of the aggregation entry. weight (int, optional): weight of the aggregation for the current entry. Defaults to 1. step (int, optional): timestamp of the current entry. Defaults to 0. """ list_v, list_w, list_s = self._members.get( key, ( deque(maxlen=self.max_deque_lenght), # for values deque(maxlen=self.max_deque_lenght), # for keys deque(maxlen=self.max_deque_lenght), # for steps ), ) list_v.append(value) list_w.append(weight) list_s.append(step) if key not in self._members: self._members[key] = (list_v, list_w, list_s)
[docs] def append_all(self, entry_dict: Dict[str, float], weight=1, step=0): """To apply ``append`` on several entries given by a dictionary. Args: entry_dict (Dict[Hashable, Any]): dictionary of the entries. weight (int, optional): weight of the entries. Defaults to 1. step (int, optional): timestamp of the current entries. Defaults to 0. """ apply_on_dict(entry_dict, self.append, weight=weight, step=step)
[docs] def get(self, key: str, k: int = None): r"""fetches the weighted result Args: key (str): the name of the variable k (int, optional): limits the number of points to aggregate. Returns: Any: the result of the aggregation """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") list_v, list_w, _ = self._members[key] list_v = list(list_v) list_w = list(list_w) if k is None: k = len(list_v) start_idx = min(k, len(list_v)) return sum( v * w for v, w in zip(list_v[-start_idx:], list_w[-start_idx:]) ) / sum(list_w[-start_idx:])
[docs] def get_values(self, key): """fetches the values of the aggregation. Args: key (Hashable): aggregation key. Raises: Exception: key not in the aggregator. Returns: List[Any]: list of values appended up to the maximum lenght of the internal deque. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") v, _, _ = self._members[key] return v
[docs] def get_weights(self, key): """fetches the weights of the aggregation. Args: key (Hashable): aggregation key. Raises: Exception: key not in the aggregator. Returns: List[Any]: list of weights appended up to the maximum lenght of the internal deque. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") _, w, _ = self._members[key] return w
[docs] def get_steps(self, key): """fetches the timestamps of the aggregation. Args: key (Hashable): aggregation key. Raises: Exception: key not in the aggregator. Returns: List[Any]: list of timestamps appended up to the maximum lenght of the internal deque. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception(f"{key} is not in the aggregator") _, _, s = self._members[key] return s
[docs] def keys(self): """fetches the keys of entries aggregated so far. Returns: Iterable: all aggregation keys. """ return self._members.keys()
[docs] def pop(self, key): """Similar to ``get`` method except that the entry is removed from the aggregator at the end. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. Raises: Exception: key does not exist in the aggregator. Returns: Any: result of the aggregation. """ if key not in self._members: raise Exception("{} is not in the aggregator".format(key)) list_v, list_w, _ = self._members.pop(key) return sum(v * w for v, w in zip(list_v, list_w)) / sum(list_w)
[docs] def items(self): """Generator of (key, result) to get aggregation result of all keys in the aggregator. Yields: Tuple[Hashable, Any]: pair of key, aggregation result. """ for key in self._members.keys(): yield key, self.get(key)
[docs] def pop_all(self): """Collects all the aggregation results in a dictionary and removes everything from the aggregator at the end. Returns: Dict[Hashable, Any]: mapping of key to aggregation result. """ return {key: self.pop(key) for key in list(self._members.keys())}
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._members