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[docs]class Storage(object): r"""storage class to save and retrieve objects.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._storage = dict()
[docs] def write( self, key, obj, read_protected=False, write_protected=False, silent=False ): r"""writes to the storage. Args: key (Hashable): key to access the object in future retrievals obj (Any): object to store read_protected (bool): prints warning if in future key accessed by a read call. Defaults to False. write_protected (bool): print warning if in future key accessed by a write call. Defaults to False. silent (bool): if False and entry is write protected, a warning is printed. Defaults to False. """ if key in self._storage: _, _, write_p = self._storage[key] if not silent and write_p: print(f"Warning: write protected entry {key} is over-written") self._storage[key] = (obj, read_protected, write_protected)
[docs] def read(self, key, silent=False): """read from the storage. Args: key (Hashable): key to fetch the desired object. silent (bool): if False and entry is read protected, a warning is printed. Defaults to False. Returns: Any: the desired object. If key does not exist, None is returned. """ res = self._storage.get(key) if res is None: return None obj, read_p, _ = res if not silent and read_p: print(f"Warning: read access to read-protected entry {key}") return obj
[docs] def get_all_keys(self): """Fetches the keys of all the objects written to the storage so far including read protected ones. Returns: Iterable[str]: an iterable of the keys to the """ return self._storage.keys()
[docs] def get_keys(self): """Fetches the keys of the objects written to the storage so far. .. note:: to get keys of all entries included read protected ones call ``get_all_keys`` instead. Returns: Iterable[str]: an iterable of the keys to the """ keys = [] for key, item in self._storage.items(): _, r_p, _ = item if not r_p: keys.append(key) return keys
[docs] def change_protection( self, key, read_protected=False, write_protected=False, silent=False ): """changes the protection policy of an entry Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry read_protected (bool, optional): read protection. Defaults to False. write_protected (bool, optional): write protection. Defaults to False. silent (bool): if False and and any protection changes, a warning is printed. Defaults to False. """ if key not in self._storage: raise Exception(f"key {key} not in storage.") obj, r_p, w_p = self._storage[key] if not silent and r_p and not read_protected: print(f"read protection removed from storage entry {key}.") if not silent and w_p and not write_protected: print(f"write protection removed from storage entry {key}.") self._storage[key] = (obj, read_protected, write_protected)
[docs] def get_protection_status(self, key): """fetches the protection status of an entry. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry Returns: Tuple[bool, bool]: read and write protection status respectively. """ if key not in self._storage: raise Exception(f"key {key} not in storage.") _, r_p, w_p = self._storage[key] return r_p, w_p
[docs] def remove(self, key, silent=False): """removes an entry from the storage. Args: key (Hashable): key to the entry. silent (bool, optional): if False and entry is write protected a warning is printed. Defaults to False. """ if key not in self._storage: raise Exception(f"key {key} not in storage.") _, _, w_p = self._storage[key] if not silent and w_p: print(f"write protected entry {key} is removed from the storage.") del self._storage[key]