Guide to data manager#

Provided with the simulator is a basic DataManager called BasicDataManager which for now supports the following datasets

It supports the popular partitioning schemes (iid, Dirichlet distribution, unbalanced, etc.).

Custom DataManager#

Any Custom data manager class should inherit from fedsim.data_manager.data_manager.DataManager (or its children) and implement its abstract methods.

DataManager Template#

from fedsim.distributed.data_management import DataManager

class CustomDataManager(DataManager)
     def __init__(self, root, seed, save_dir=None, other_args="default value", ...):
         self.other_arg = other_arg
         apply the changes required by the abstract methods here (before calling
         super's constructor).
         super(BasicDataManager, self).__init__(root, seed, save_dir=save_dir)
         apply the operation that assume the abstract methods are performed here
         (after calling super's constructor).

     def make_datasets(self, root: str) -> Tuple[object, object]:
         """makes and returns local and global dataset objects. The created datasets do
         not need a transform as recompiled datasets with separately provided transforms
         on the fly (for vision datasets).

             dataset_name (str): name of the dataset.
             root (str): directory to download and manipulate data.

             NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be
                 implemented by child classes

             Tuple[object, object]: local and global dataset
         raise NotImplementedError

     def make_transforms(self) -> Tuple[object, object]:
         """make and return the dataset trasformations for local and global split.

             NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be
                 implemented by child classes
             Tuple[Dict[str, Callable], Dict[str, Callable]]: tuple of two dictionaries,
                 first, the local transform mapping and second the global transform
         raise NotImplementedError

     def partition_local_data(self, datasets: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, Iterable[Iterable[int]]]:
         """partitions local data indices into splits and within each split, partition in client-indexed Iterable.
         Return a dictionary of these splits (e.g., train, test, ...).

             dataset (object): local dataset

             NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be
                 implemented by child classes

             Dict[str, Iterable[Iterable[int]]]:
                 dictionary of {split:client-indexed iterables of example indices}.
        raise NotImplementedError

     def partition_global_data(
         dataset: object,
     ) -> Dict[str, Iterable[int]]:
         """partitions global data indices into desired splits (e.g., train, test, ...).

             dataset (object): global dataset

             Dict[str, Iterable[int]]:
                 dictionary of {split:example indices of global dataset}.
         raise NotImplementedError

     def get_identifiers(self) -> Sequence[str]:
         """ Returns identifiers to be used for saving the partition info.
         A unique identifier for a unique setup ensures the credibility of comparing your experiments results.

             NotImplementedError: this abstract method should be
                 implemented by child classes

             Sequence[str]: a sequence of str identifing class instance
         raise NotIm


scores can be passed to --criterion option the same way, however, if the selected score class is not differentiable an error may be raised (if necessary).plementedError

You can use BasicDataManager as a working template.

Integration with fedsim-cli#

To automatically include your custom data-manager into the provided cli tool, you can define it in a python file and pass its path to -a or --data-manager option (without .py) followed by colon and the definition of the data-manager (class or method). For example, if you have data-manager DataManager stored in foo/bar/, you can pass --data-manager foo/bar/my_custom_dm:DataManager.


Arguments of constructor of any data-manager could be given in arg:value format following its name (or path if a local file is provided). Examples:

fedsim-cli fed-learn --data-manager BasicDataManager num_clients:1100 ...
fedsim-cli fed-learn --data-manager foo/bar/my_custom_dm:DataManager arg1:value ...