Guide to centralized FL algorithms#

Included FL algorithms#















Algorithm interface#

Look at the design architecture illustrated in the image below. .. image:: ../_static/arch.svg

Custom Centralized FL Algorithm#

Implementing a new fedsim algorithm is very simple. There are on three things to remember: 1. any Custom FL algorithm class has to inherit from a base algorithm (e.g., CentralFLAlgorithm) or one of their children classes (e.g., FedAvg). 2. the user methods should be implemented (see an algorithm template below) withoud self argument (static methods). 3. global models/parameters have to be cloned and detached before local training.

fedsim.distributed.centralized.CentralFLAlgorithm (or its children) and implement its abstract methods.

Algorithm Template#

from fedsim.distributed.centralized.centralized_fl_algorithm import CentralFLAlgorithm

class GreetingAlgorithm(CentralFLAlgorithm):
    def init(server_storage):
        # do operations required prior to training. For exampel you can make your model and optimizer here.
        # use read and write methods of server_storage to retrieve definitions and store the result of your operation.
        # server_storage.get_keys() returns list of definitions required to build objects you like.
        model_def ="model_def")
        model = model_def()
        server_storage.write("model", model)

    def send_to_client(server_storage, client_id):
        # add your message for client with id <client_id> here. This method runs at the beginning of each round for each sampled client.
        return f"Hello client {client_id}!"

    def send_to_server(
        id, rounds, storage, datasets, train_split_name, scores, epochs, criterion, train_batch_size,
        inference_batch_size, optimizer_def, lr_scheduler_def=None, device="cuda", ctx=None, step_closure=None,
        # this is what client <id> does locally. ``ctx`` is the message send from the server.
        print(f"Message received from server on client {id}: {ctx}")
        return f"Hello server, this is {id}!"

    def receive_from_client(server_storage, client_id, client_msg, train_split_name, serial_aggregator, appendix_aggregator):
        # this method is to collect information from clients as their messages arrive.
        # use serial_aggregator.add amd appendix_aggregator.append to serially aggregate pieces of info received from the client.
        print(f"Message from {client_id}: {client_msg}")
        # return True if message is received without any problems
        return True

    def optimize(server_storage, serial_aggregator, appendix_aggregator):
        # optimize the server parameters here. Additionally, unpack and arrange the reports from the aggregators here.
        # return yuor optimization reports (along with those unpacked from the aggtegators)
        return f"Nothing to report here!"

    def deploy(server_storage):
        # send the deployment points, so that the report can be made for those points
        return dict(point1="foo", point2="bar")

    def report(server_storage, dataloaders, rounds, scores, metric_logger, device, optimize_reports, deployment_points=None):
        # report your findings using metric_logger. Those metrics that are in scalar format can be returned in a dictionary (with their name as the key).
        # the entries in the returned dictionary are automatically reported using metric_logger
        return dict(x=1, y=2)


Here's the complete implementation of Federated Averaging (FedAvg) algorithm which could be used as a template:

import math
from import DataLoader
from import RandomSampler
from import local_inference
from import local_train
from import default_step_closure
from fedsim.utils import initialize_module
from fedsim.utils import vectorize_module

from fedsim.distributed.centralized import CentralFLAlgorithm
from import serial_aggregation

class FedAvg(CentralFLAlgorithm):
    def init(server_storage):
        device ="device")
        model ="model_def")().to(device)
        params = vectorize_module(model, clone=True, detach=True)
        optimizer ="optimizer_def")(params=[params])
        lr_scheduler = None
        lr_scheduler_def ="lr_scheduler_def")
        if lr_scheduler_def is not None:
            lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler_def(optimizer=optimizer)
        server_storage.write("model", model)
        server_storage.write("cloud_params", params)
        server_storage.write("optimizer", optimizer)
        server_storage.write("lr_scheduler", lr_scheduler)

    def send_to_client(server_storage, client_id):
        # load cloud stuff
        cloud_params ="cloud_params")
        model ="model")
        # copy cloud params to cloud model to send to the client
        initialize_module(model, cloud_params, clone=True, detach=True)
        # return a copy of the cloud model
        return dict(model=model)

    # define client operation
    def send_to_server(
        id, rounds, storage, datasets, train_split_name, scores, epochs, criterion, train_batch_size,
        inference_batch_size, optimizer_def, lr_scheduler_def=None, device="cuda", ctx=None, step_closure=None,
        # create a random sampler with replacement so that
        # stochasticity is maximiazed and privacy is not compromized
        sampler = RandomSampler(
            datasets[train_split_name], replacement=True,
            num_samples=math.ceil(len(datasets[train_split_name]) / train_batch_size) * train_batch_size,
        # # create train data loader
        train_loader = DataLoader(datasets[train_split_name], batch_size=train_batch_size, sampler=sampler)

        model = ctx["model"]
        optimizer = optimizer_def(model.parameters())
        lr_scheduler = None if lr_scheduler_def is None else lr_scheduler_def(optimizer=optimizer)

        # optimize the model locally
        step_closure_ = default_step_closure if step_closure is None else step_closure
        train_scores = scores[train_split_name] if train_split_name in scores else dict()
        num_train_samples, num_steps, diverged, = local_train(
            model, train_loader, epochs, 0, criterion, optimizer, lr_scheduler, device, step_closure_,
        # get average train scores
        metrics_dict = {train_split_name: {name: score.get_score() for name, score in train_scores.items()}}
        # append train loss
        if rounds % criterion.log_freq == 0:
            metrics_dict[train_split_name][criterion.get_name()] = criterion.get_score()
        num_samples_dict = {train_split_name: num_train_samples}
        # other splits
        for split_name, split in datasets.items():
            if split_name != train_split_name and split_name in scores:
                o_scores = scores[split_name]
                split_loader = DataLoader( split, batch_size=inference_batch_size, shuffle=False)
                num_samples = local_inference(model, split_loader, scores=o_scores, device=device)
                metrics_dict[split_name] = {name: score.get_score() for name, score in o_scores.items()}
                num_samples_dict[split_name] = num_samples
        # return optimized model parameters and number of train samples
        return dict(local_params=vectorize_module(model), num_steps=num_steps, diverged=diverged,

    def receive_from_client(
        server_storage, client_id, client_msg, train_split_name, serial_aggregator, appendix_aggregator
        return serial_aggregation(
            server_storage, client_id, client_msg, train_split_name, serial_aggregator

    def optimize(server_storage, serial_aggregator, appendix_aggregator):
        if "local_params" in aggregator:
            param_avg = aggregator.pop("local_params")
            optimizer ="optimizer")
            lr_scheduler ="lr_scheduler")
            cloud_params ="cloud_params")
            pseudo_grads = - param_avg
            # update cloud params
            cloud_params.grad = pseudo_grads
            if lr_scheduler is not None:
            # purge aggregated results
            del param_avg
        return aggregator.pop_all()

    def deploy(server_storage):
        return dict("cloud_params"))

    def report(
        server_storage, dataloaders, rounds, scores, metric_logger, device, optimize_reports, deployment_points=None,
        model ="model")
        scores_from_deploy = dict()
        if deployment_points is not None:
            for point_name, point in deployment_points.items():
                # copy cloud params to cloud model to send to the client
                initialize_module(model, point, clone=True, detach=True)

                for split_name, loader in dataloaders.items():
                    if split_name in scores:
                        split_scores = scores[split_name]
                        _ = local_inference(model, loader,scores=split_scores, device=device)
                        split_score_results = {
                            f"server.{point_name}.{split_name}." f"{score_name}": score.get_score()
                            for score_name, score in split_scores.items()
                        scores_from_deploy = {
        return {**scores_from_deploy, **optimize_reports, **norm_reports}

You can easily make changes by inheriting from FedAvg or its children classes. For example the following is the implementation of FedProx algorithm:

from functools import partial
from torch.nn.utils import parameters_to_vector
from import default_step_closure
from fedsim.utils import vector_to_parameters_like
from fedsim.utils import vectorize_module
from fedsim.distributed.centralized import FedAvg

class FedProx(FedAvg):
    def init(server_storage, *args, **kwrag):
        default_mu = 0.0001
        server_storage.write("mu", kwrag.get("mu", default_mu))

    def send_to_client(server_storage, client_id):
        server_msg = FedAvg.send_to_client(server_storage, client_id)
        server_msg["mu"] ="mu")
        return server_msg

    def send_to_server(
        id, rounds, storage, datasets, train_split_name, scores, epochs, criterion, train_batch_size,
        inference_batch_size, optimizer_def, lr_scheduler_def=None, device="cuda", ctx=None, step_closure=None,
        model = ctx["model"]
        mu = ctx["mu"]
        params_init = vectorize_module(model, clone=True, detach=True)

        def transform_grads_fn(model):
            params = parameters_to_vector(model.parameters())
            grad_additive = 0.5 * (params - params_init)
            grad_additive_list = vector_to_parameters_like(mu * grad_additive, model.parameters())

            for p, g_a in zip(model.parameters(), grad_additive_list):
                p.grad += g_a

        step_closure_ = partial(default_step_closure, transform_grads=transform_grads_fn)
        return FedAvg.send_to_server(
            id, rounds, storage, datasets, train_split_name, scores, epochs, criterion, train_batch_size,
            inference_batch_size, optimizer_def, lr_scheduler_def, device, ctx, step_closure=step_closure_,

Integration with fedsim-cli#

To automatically include your custom algorithm by the provided cli tool, you can define it in a python and pass its path to -a or --algorithm option (without .py) followed by column and name of the algorithm. For example, if you have algorithm CustomFLAlgorithm stored in a foo/bar/, you can pass --algorithm foo/bar/my_custom_alg:CustomFLAlgorithm.


Non-common Arguments of constructor of any algoritthm (mostly hyper-parameters) could be given in arg:value format following its name (or path if a local file is provided). Areguments that are common among the desired algorithm and CentralFLAlgorithm are internally assigned. Examples:

fedsim-cli fed-learn --algorithm AdaBest mu:0.01 beta:0.6 ...
fedsim-cli fed-learn --algorithm foo/bar/my_custom_alg:CustomFLAlgorithm mu:0.01 ...