Guide to optimziers#

Custom optimziers#

Any custom optimizer class should inherit from torch.optim.Optimizer (or its children) and implement its abstract methods.

Integration with fedsim-cli#

To automatically include your custom optimizer by the provided cli tool, you can define it in a python file and pass its path to --optimzier or --local-optimzier option (without .py) followed by column and name of the optimizer definition (class or method). For example, if you have optimizer CustomOpt stored in a foo/bar/, you can pass --optimizer foo/bar/my_custom_opt:CustomOpt for setting global optimizer or --local-optimizer foo/bar/my_custom_opt:CustomOpt for setting the local optimizer.


Arguments of constructor of any optimzier could be given in arg:value format following its name (or path if a local file is provided). Examples:

fedsim-cli fed-learn --optimzier SGD lr:0.1 weight_decay:0.001 ...
fedsim-cli fed-learn --local-optimizer foo/bar/my_custom_opt:CustomOpt lr:0.2 momentum:True ...